AAEON AGD-317R User Manual
Page 51

R e m o t e T o u c h D i s p l a y
A G D - 3 1 7 R
Installing Driver for Windows
XP/ Windows
7 / Linux
The touch screen has drivers for Windows
XP、 Windows
7 and
Linux . You should read the instructions in this chapter carefully
before you attempt installation.
Note 1: The following windows illustrations are examples only. You
must follow the flow chart instructions and pay attention to the
instructions which then appear on your screen.
Note 2: Please make sure the OS of your computer support Windows
XP/ Windows
7 while installing Windows
XP/ Windows
7 drivers in the
CD-ROM to the system.
For Windows
XP OS, please execute:
\\TouchScreen-DRV\eGalax Touch \Win XP\Setup.exe
1. Click on the “Next” button on the Welcome window screen
Chapter 4 Driver Installation