Gorman-Rupp Pumps S8B1-E100 460/3 1432260 and up User Manual
Page 38

PAGE E - 12
cants of any kind to the impeller bore or the tapered
section of the shaft. Install the impeller (2) and im
peller washer (62) on the rotor shaft (39).
After the impeller is installed, coat the threads of
the rotor shaft with `Loctite Threadlocker No. 242'
or equivalent compound. Install the impeller nut
(63). Insert a rod between the vanes of the impeller
to prevent shaft rotation, and torque the impeller
nut to 300 ft. lbs. (3600 in. lbs. or 42 m. kg.).
Remove the rod and turn the impeller to check for
free rotation.
If the impeller (2) is not fully seated and binds
against the diffuser, the shaft and lower bearing
have been driven out of position during impeller re
moval. If this occurs, the lower bearing must be
pressed back into place (see Motor Disassembly
and Motor Reassembly).
Diffuser And Suction Head Installation
(Figure E-1)
Inspect and thoroughly clean the diffuser (1) and
its gasket surfaces. Cement the diffuser gaskets (7
and 50) in place using `3M Gasket Adhesive No.
847' or equivalent compound.
Carefully position the diffuser on the intermediate
(48). Install the hardware (52, 53 and 54). Coat the
threads of the capscrews (52) with `Never‐Seez'
and torque the nuts (53) to 120 ft. lbs. (1440 in. lbs.
or 16,6 m. kg.).
Inspect and thoroughly clean the suction head (61)
and its gasket surface. If removed, press a replace
ment wear ring (64) into the suction head bore with
the chamfered end toward the inside of the suc
tion head. Be sure the ring seats squarely against
the bore shoulder.
The wear ring must seat squarely in the
suction head bore or binding and/or ex
cessive wear will result.
Install the suction head gasket (6) over the studs
(58) and carefully position the suction head over
the studs. Coat the studs with `Never‐Seez' or
equivalent compound. Install the lockwashers (60)
and nuts (59); torque the nuts to 120 ft. lbs. (1440
in. lbs. or 16,6 m. kg.).
Turn the impeller and check for free rotation. If the
impeller scrapes, disassemble the suction head
and check the wear ring (64) for proper installation.
Strainer Installation
(Figure E-1)
Inspect the strainer assembly (5) for cracks, distor
tion or erosion and replace it if defective.
Carefully position the strainer on the diffuser (1).
Pack the spacers (55) with heavy grease and as
semble the spacers to the base plate (56) using the
capscrews (57). (The grease will help to prevent
the spacers from sliding off the capscrews.)
Remove any grease from the ends of the caps
crews and apply `Loctite Threadlocker No. 242' or
equivalent compound to the threads of the cap
screws. Secure the complete strainer assembly
using the capscrews (57). Make certain that the
strainer seats properly against the shoulder of the
fore putting the pump back into service.
Disassembly of the motor is rarely required except
to replace the motor rotor, stator or bearings. Do
not disassemble the motor unless it is necessary
and a clean, well‐equipped shop is available.
It is recommended that a pump with a defective mo
tor be returned to Gorman‐Rupp, or to one of the
Gorman‐Rupp authorized Submersible Repair
The electrical power used to operate
this pump is high enough to cause inju
ry or death. Make certain that the control
handle on the control box is in the off po
sition and locked out, or that the power
supply to the control box has been
otherwise cut off and locked out, before