Gorman-Rupp Pumps SE1 1/2A3 115V 1P 1483930 and up User Manual
Page 32

PAGE E − 8
Subassemble the upper stationary element into
the stationary seat. Position this subassembly in
the motor housing bore with the sealing face up
and cover the seal face with a clean tissue. Use
your thumbs to press the assembly into the bore.
Apply equal pressure on opposite sides until the
seat contacts the bore shoulder. Remove the tis-
sue and inspect the seal face to ensure that it is
clean and dry. If cleaning is necessary, use clean
tissue to wipe lightly in a concentric pattern.
Unpack the rotating portion of the upper seal. Be
certain the seal face of the rotating element is free
of grit or surface damage.
Apply a light coating of oil to the seal seating sur-
face on the shaft and I.D. of the bellows. Inspect the
seal face to ensure that it is clean and dry. If clean-
ing is necessary, use a clean tissue to wipe in a cir-
cular pattern. Slide the seal rotating portion onto
the lubricated shaft as shown in Figure E−2. Apply
firm, steady pressure on the seal retainer until it
slides down the shaft and the seal faces contact.
Slide the seal spring over the shaft and bellows re-
tainer. The seal spring will be compressed and held
in place when the pump casing (1) is installed.
Unpack the lower rotating portion of the seal. Be
certain the seal face of the rotating element is free
of grit or surface damage. Apply a light coating of
oil on the shaft and the I.D. of the bellows.
Position the rotating subassembly on the shaft with
the sealing face up, and cover it with a clean tissue.
Use your thumbs to press the subassembly onto
the shaft. Apply equal pressure on opposite sides
of the retainer until it contacts the seal spring. Re-
move the tissue and inspect the seal face to ensure
that it is clean and dry. If cleaning is necessary, use
clean tissue to wipe lightly in a concentric pattern.
After cleaning, apply a drop of light oil to the seal
Unpack the lower stationary seat and element.
Subassemble the stationary element into the sta-
tionary seat. Apply a light coating of oil to the pump
casing (1) bore and the O.D. of the seal seat. Apply
equal pressure on opposite sides until the seat
contacts the bore shoulder. Remove the tissue and
inspect the seal face to ensure that it is clean and
dry. If cleaning is necessary, use clean tissue to
wipe lightly in a concentric pattern.
Install the pump casing O-ring (57) on the casing
shoulder and lubricate with light oil. Carefully posi-
tion the pump casing and stationary seal compo-
nents over the rotor shaft. Align the holes for the
capscrews (68) and press the casing into the lower
motor housing until fully seated. Be careful not to
damage the stationary element or casing O-ring al-
ready installed.
Secure the pump casing to the motor housing (10)
with the hardware (68 and 69).
Impeller Installation
Inspect the impeller (2) for cracks, broken vanes,
or wear from erosion, and replace it if damaged.
Clean the threads on the rotor shaft to remove any
old thread locking material.
Lubricate the casing bore and lip of the dust seal
(51). Press the dust seal into the pump casing until
fully seated. Install the shaft sleeve (52).
Install the impeller key (54) in the shaft keyway,
align the impeller keyway, and press the impeller
onto the shaft until it seats firmly against the shaft
Install the impeller hardware (62, 63 and 64). Place
a block of wood between the vanes of the impeller
and pump casing to prevent shaft rotation and
tighten the impeller lock nut (64).
Remove the block of wood and turn the impeller to
check for free rotation. Check the front clearance
after installing the impeller cover (61).
Impeller Clearance
Install the impeller cover gasket (58). Position the
impeller cover over the pump casing and secure
the cover with the hardware (59 and 60).
There should be a clearance of .010 to .020 inch
(0,25 and 0,51 mm) between the impeller cover
(61) and the face of the impeller. Use a feeler gauge
to measure this clearance.
If the impeller clearance is not within specified lim-
its, remove the impeller cover, impeller and one of
the impeller shims. Reinstall the impeller and im-
peller cover, and recheck clearance.
Strainer Installation
Inspect the strainer assembly (65) for cracks, dis-
tortion or erosion, and replace it if defective.