Gorman-Rupp Pumps 612L20-B 814882 and up User Manual

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PAGE B − 5



Check Rotation, Section C, before final alignment
of the pump.

When mounted at the Gorman-Rupp factory, driver
and pump are aligned before shipment. Misalign-
ment will occur in transit and handling. Pumps
must be checked and realigned before operation.
Before checking alignment, tighten the foundation
bolts. The pump casing feet and/or pedestal feet,
and the driver mounting bolts should also be tightly

When checking alignment, disconnect
the power source to ensure that the
pump will remain inoperative.

Adjusting the alignment in one direction
may alter the alignment in another direc-
tion. Check each procedure after altering

Coupled Drives

When using couplings, the axis of the power
source must be aligned to the axis of the pump
shaft in both the horizontal and vertical planes.
Most couplings require a specific gap or clearance
between the driving and the driven shafts. Refer to
the coupling manufacturer’s service literature.

Align spider insert type couplings by using calipers
to measure the dimensions on the circumference
of the outer ends of the coupling hub every 90


The coupling is in alignment when the hub ends
are the same distance apart at all points (see Fig-
ure B−3).

Figure B−3. Aligning Spider-Type Couplings

Align non-spider type couplings by using a feeler
gauge or taper gauge between the coupling halves
every 90

_. The coupling is in alignment when the

hubs are the same distance apart at all points (see
Figure B−4).

Figure B−4. Aligning Non-Spider-Type


Check parallel adjustment by laying a straightedge
across both coupling rims at the top, bottom, and
side. When the straightedge rests evenly on both
halves of the coupling, the coupling is in horizontal
parallel alignment. If the coupling is misaligned,
use a feeler gauge between the coupling and the
straightedge to measure the amount of misalign-

Belt Drives

When using belt drives, the power source and the
pump must be parallel. Use a straightedge along
the sides of the pulleys to ensure that the pulleys
are properly aligned (see Figure B−5). In drive sys-
tems using two or more belts, make certain that the
belts are a matched set; unmatched sets will cause
accelerated belt wear.