John Wood Power Vent (Non-ENERGY STAR qualified models) User Manual
Page 21

Temperature Regulation
This water heater’s intended purpose is to heat water. Hot
water is needed for cleaning and sanitizing (bodies, dishes,
clothing etc.). Untempered hot water can present a scald
hazard. Depending on the time element and the people
involved (adults, children, elderly, infirm etc.) scalding may
occur at different temperatures.
It is recommended that lower temperatures be used to avoid
the risk of scalding. It is further recommended that the water
temperature be set for the lowest temperature that will sat-
isfy your hot-water needs. This will also provide the most
energy efficient operation of the water heater.
Short, repeated heating cycles caused by small water uses
can cause temperatures at the point-of-use to exceed the
thermostat setting by up to 17°C (30°F). This condition is
referred to as “stacking”. If you experience this type of use
you should consider using lower temperature settings to
reduce scald hazards.
Valves for reducing the point-of-use temperature by mixing
cold and hot water are available.
Mixing Valves
Hot water can scald: Water heaters are intended to pro-
duce hot water. Water heated to a temperature that will sat-
isfy space heating, clothes washing, dish washing, and
other sanitizing needs can scald and permanently injure you
upon contact. Some people are more likely to be perma-
nently injured by hot water than others. These include the
elderly, children, the infirm, and physically/mentally handi-
If any one using the hot water fits into one of these groups
or if there is a provincial, state or local code requiring a cer-
tain temperature water at the hot water faucet, then you
must take special precautions. In addition to using the low-
est possible temperature setting that will satisfy your hot-
water needs, a means such as a mixing valve, should be
used at the hot-water faucets or at the water heater. Mixing
valves are available at plumbing supply or hardware stores.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for installation of these
valves. Before changing the factory settings on the thermo-
stat, read the “Temperature Regulation” section in this man-
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Read before proceeding. If you do not
follow these instructions exactly, a fire or
explosion may result, causing property
damage, personal injury or loss of life.
This appliance is equipped with an ignition
device that automatically lights the burner.
Do not try to light manually with
a match or flame.
Never allow small children to use a hot-water
faucet, or to draw their own bath water.
Never leave a child or impaired person unat-
tended in a bathtub or shower. Scald burns
can result.
Water temperature over 52°C (125°F) can cause
severe burns instantly or death from scalds.
Children, disabled and elderly are at highest risk of
being scalded.
Feel water before bathing or showering.
Temperature limiting valves are available.
Scald burns occur in under one second with
71°C (160°F) water, which the thermostat will
deliver if the temperature is set at “VERY
HOT”. Lower settings of the temperature will
reduce the risk of scald and will reduce your
fuel bill.
Risk of scalding
Hot water can produce third degree burns
in 6 seconds at . . . . . . . .60°C (140°F)
in 30 seconds at . . . . . . .54°C (130°F)
in 5 minutes at . . . . . . . . .49°C (120°F)