Bell & Gossett P85505B Assembly Procedure for Single Flush Mechanical Seal User Manual

Vsc and vscs pumps, Instruction manual

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NOTE: Refer to pump instruction manual for complete assem-

bly instructions.
Clean shaft sleeve and pump shaft so that assembly can be

completed without damaging the seal parts.
Remove O ring from its position in the shaft and replace with

new O ring provided. Lubricate O ring on stationary seal seat

(carbon) with silicone grease or soapy water. Apply silicone

grease at O ring surface only. Do not apply any grease or lubri-

cant at seal mating face.

Do not use petroleum lubricant!

Position in seal housing. Position shaft sleeve in drive collar

and tighten two dog point set screws in holes provided. Set

sleeve and collar assembly on end and place assembly aid

spacer around shaft sleeve and position against drive collar.

Place seal housing with stationary seat over end of sleeve

against assembly aid spacer. Lubricate O ring in rotating seal

assembly with silicone grease or soapy water.

Do not use

petroleum lubricant! Slip it over end of shaft sleeve and posi-

tion against stationary seal carbon ring. Compress rotating

seal assembly to required working length by measuring 1/4”

space between seal parts that house compression springs and

tighten set screws. Seal is now adjusted for proper working

length and is ready for installation in the pump.
Apply anti-seize compound to shaft, place seal housing

gasket in position and slide complete assembly over pump

shaft. Assemble bearing housing and ball bearing to pump

shaft and properly locate and lock in position. Push sleeve and

collar assembly to its final position against stuffing box bracket

and bolt in place. Tighten drive collar set screws in undercut of

shaft. Remove assembly aid spacer.

Assembly procedure for

Single Flush Mechanical Seal

VSC and VSCS Pumps

