Bell & Gossett P81553B Impeller Static Balancing Instructions User Manual

Impeller static balancing instructions, Instruction manual

background image

STEP NO. 2 — After impeller has been cut to size make cer-
tain that all burrs are removed. Insert mandril into impeller
and place on balancing ways. Spin the impeller lightly and


FIG. 1

FIG. 2

FIG. 3

FIG. 4

FIG. 5

FIG. 6

Impeller Static
Balancing Instructions

STEP NO. 1— When cutting the impeller O.D. it is suggested
that the tail stock of the lathe be utilized at act as a stabilizer

STEP NO. 3 — Place impeller in chunk on drill table. Align
flat mill cutting tool at center of imbalance point on the im-
peller wall. If the unbalanced condition is quite pronounced
make the first cut about 1/64" deep and 2" to the left and right
of the center point. This is done by moving the handle at-

tached to drill table back and forth. A continuous balance
check should be made during this operation. The impeller is
properly balanced when it remains stationary on the balance
ways on any point of it's 360° periphery.

allow to turn until it stops rocking. Make a chalk mark at the
bottom center of the impeller. This is the unbalanced point.

for holding the impeller in the chuck — Note the use of a flat
block of wood between impeller and blunt tall stock.

