7 profibus connection, 1 profibus checklist, Profibus connection -1 – YSI DIQ/S 182-PR System 182 User Manual

Page 111: Profibus checklist -1, Chapter 7 profibus, Connection, Profibus plant is given in chapter 7 profibus, 7profibus connection

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System 182

PROFIBUS connection

7 - 1




PROFIBUS connection

Detailed information on the subject of PROFIBUS is given on the
Internet by the PROFIBUS user organization (PNO) under


PROFIBUS checklist

The following checklist supports you when planning, projecting and
installing a PROFIBUS plant with the IQ S




. For smooth

operation, you should be able to answer all questions with "Yes".

 Is the [bus system] (bus segment) installed without branch lines?

 Was the correct PROFIBUS cable used (cord type A according to

EN 50170)?

 Are the poles of the signal lines A line and B line correctly connected

at all bus connections?

 Is it guaranteed that there is no short-circuit between A line, B line

and cable shielding?

 Is the shielding installed free of interruptions?

 Are the guidelines for shielding and grounding being observed, and

doesn't any unallowed potential equalization current flow
via the shielding?

 Is the maximum cable length (per bus segment) observed for the

corresponding baud rate?

 Do all devices support the required baud rate?

 With 12 Mbit/s transmission rate only: Are the bus plugs suitable for

this baud rate?

 Are exactly two terminators switched on at the ends of the [bus

system] (bus segment)?

 Are the terminators supplied with voltage so the following applies:


B line

- U

A line

> + 500 mV?

 Do all devices have individual bus addresses?

 After changing the bus address, have the devices been restarted

(switched off and on again)?
Note: The DIQ/S 182-PR does not have to be restarted.

 Do the addresses projected in the master correspond to the actual

addresses? Are all addresses less than or equal to the parameter
HSA and less than 126 (HSA = Highest Station Address)?

 Is the currently valid GSD being used? If you are in doubt, download

it from the Internet.