5 boot settings configuration, Quick boot [enabled, Bootup num-lock [on – Asus P1-PH1 User Manual
Page 84: Typematic rate setting [disabled, Typematic rate (chars/sec) [6, Typematic delay (msec) [250

Chapter 5: BIOS setup
5.6.5 Boot Settings Configuration
Quick Boot [Enabled]
Enabling this item allows the BIOS to skip some power on self tests
(POST) while booting to decrease the time needed to boot the system.
When set to [Disabled], BIOS performs all the POST items.
Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]
Bootup Num-Lock [On]
Allows you to select the power-on state for the NumLock.
Configuration options: [On] [Off]
Typematic Rate Setting [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the keyboard typematic rate setting. Set to
[Enabled] to configure the Type Rate and Type Delay items. Configuration
options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Boot Settings COnfiguration
Quick Boot
Boot Num-Lock
Typematic Rate Setting
x Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec) 6
x Typematic Delay (Msec)
Full Screen LOGO
Halt On
[All,But Keyboard]
Item Specific Help
Allows the system to
skip certain tests
while booting. This
will decrease the
time needed to boot
the system.
Select Menu
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec) [6]
Allows you to select the rate at which character repeats when you hold a
key. Configuration options: [6] [8] [10] [12] [15] [20] [24] [30]
Typematic Delay (Msec) [250]
Allows you to set the delay before key strokes begin to repeat.
Configuration options: [250] [500] [750] [1000]
The items T y p e m a t i c R a t e ( C h a r s / S e c )
T y p e m a t i c R a t e ( C h a r s / S e c )
T y p e m a t i c R a t e ( C h a r s / S e c )
T y p e m a t i c R a t e ( C h a r s / S e c )
T y p e m a t i c R a t e ( C h a r s / S e c ) and T y p e m a t i c D e l a y
T y p e m a t i c D e l a y
T y p e m a t i c D e l a y
T y p e m a t i c D e l a y
T y p e m a t i c D e l a y
become configurable only when the item Typematic Setting is set to