4 apm configuration, Restore on ac power loss [always off, Resume from s5 by pme# [disabled – Asus P2-M2A690G User Manual
Page 85: Resume from s5 by ring [disabled, Resume from s5 by ps/2 kb/ms [disabled, Resume from s5 by rtc alarm [disabled
APM Configuration
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APM Configuration
Restore on AC Powwer Loss
[Alwaus Off]
Resume From S5 By PME#
Resume From S5 By Ring
Resume From S5 By PS/2 KB/MS
Resume From S5 By RTC Alarm
Restore on AC Power Loss [Always Off]
When set to Always Off, the system goes into off state after an AC power loss.
When set to Always On, the system goes on after an AC power loss. When set to
Last State, the system goes into either off or on state, whatever the system state
was before the AC power loss. Configuration options: [Always Off] [Always On]
[Last State]
Resume From S5 By PME# [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable PME wake from sleep states.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Resume From S5 By Ring [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable ring to generate a wake event.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Resume From S5 By PS/2 KB/MS [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable PS/2 keyboard/mouse to generate a wake event.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Resume From S5 By RTC Alarm [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable RTC to generate a wake event. When this item is
set to Enabled, the items RTC Alarm Date, RTC Alarm Hour, RTC Alarm Minute,
and RTC Alarm Second appear with set values. Configuration options: [Disabled]
Always Off
Always On
Last State