I/o device configuration (sub-menu), Onboard serial port 1 [3f8h/irq4, Ir port [2f8h/irq3 – Asus L3S User Manual
Page 76: Ir mode [fir, Dma channel [1] (only when above is set to [fir])
BIOS Setup
I/O Device Configuration (sub-menu)
I t e m S p e c i f i c H e l p
I / O D e v i c e C o n f i g u r a t i o n
O n b o a r d S e r i a l P o r t 1
[ 3 F 8 H / I R Q 4 ]
I R P o r t
[ 2 F 8 H / I R Q 3 ]
I R M o d e
[ F I R ]
D M A C h a n n e l
[ 1 ]
O n b o a r d P a r a l l e l P o r t
[ 3 7 8 H / I R Q 7 ]
P a r a l l e l P o r t M o d e
[ N o r m a l ]
< E n t e r > t o s e l e c t t h e
I / O A d d r e s s & I R Q f o r
I n f r a r e d .
Onboard Serial Port 1 [3F8H/IRQ4]
This field allows you to configure the Notebook PC’s serial COM1 port. The configuration options are:
[3F8H/IRQ4] [2F8H/IRQ3] [3E8H/IRQ4] [2E8H/IRQ3] [Disabled]
IR Port [2F8H/IRQ3]
This field allows you to configure the Notebook PC’s IR port. The configuration options are: [3F8H/
IRQ4] [2F8H/IRQ3] [3E8H/IRQ4] [2E8H/IRQ10] [Disabled]
IR Mode [FIR]
The Mode field allows you to select either Standard Infrared (SIR) or Fast Infrared (FIR) commu-
nication mode. The configuration options are: [SIR] [FIR]
DMA Channel [1] (only when above is set to [FIR])
The DMA field allows you to configure the DMA Channel for the selected mode. The configura-
tion options are: [1] [3]
WARNING! Changing the default address and IRQ settings for Serial Port or Parallel
Port can cause conflicts with other system devices or installed peripherals.
NOTE: The presence of sub-items in this menu is dependent on certain relevant settings.