What’s new in pc-cillin 2000 – Asus L3S User Manual

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Software Reference

What’s New in PC-cillin 2000

PC-cillin 2000 includes the following enhancements over the previous version:

Windows Support: PC-cillin fully supports Windows. Integration with the Windows installer means
that you can install PC-cillin while installing other Windows components. PC-cillin is Windows

• Antivirus scanning of POP3 mail: If you use Microsoft Outlook Express 4.01 or above or Eudora Pro

4.0 or above as your email client, Trend PC-cillin 2000 will scan your email messages as they down-
load from the POP3 server. Virus-infected attachments are stopped before they ever reach your com-

Virus Scanning of Local Outlook Folders: If you use Microsoft Outlook as your email client, Trend
PC-cillin 2000 provides on-demand scanning of local folders for virus-infected attachments. Trend
PC-cillin will automatically detect an installed copy of Microsoft Outlook on the computer and en-
able the user interface elements that permit the use of this feature. Please note that this feature does
not scan messages stored on a Microsoft Exchange server, but only scans messages in local folders.

Incremental Virus Pattern Download: No longer do you have to download the entire virus pattern file
when updating your software. Trend PC-cillin 2000 supports incremental pattern updates whereby
only the virus patterns that have changed since the last update are downloaded. This greatly reduces
the download time, saving time and expense that you have to spend on Internet connection charges.

PC-cillin Can Scan Virtually All Media: PC-cillin 2000 can scan the following types of drives in
addition to conventional hard disk drives: CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, PD, FDD, DVD, ZIP and

PCSCAN Command Line Scanner Supports Pattern Files Larger Than 1.44 MB: Due to the large
number of known computer viruses that have been identified, the virus pattern file is now too large to
fit on a single 1.44 MB diskette. The emergency rescue disk creation utility can split the virus pattern
file over several diskettes. Additionally, the PCSCAN command line scanner supports virus pattern
files that have been spanned over more than one diskette.

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