Advanced menu, I/o device configuration (described on next page), Internal pointing device [enabled – Asus L3S User Manual
Page 75: Quick power on self test [enabled, Cpu/chipset revision check [enabled
BIOS Setup
>I/O Device Configuration (described on next page)
Pressing [Enter] when this field is highlighted calls up a sub-menu for configuring the Notebook PC’s
serial and parallel ports.
Internal Pointing Device [Enabled]
This allows you to turn ON or OFF the Notebook PC’s built-in touchpad. You may disable the internal
touchpad if you use an external mouse and don’t want to accidentally activate the cursor while typing.
Some external pointing devices may have extra functions that may not function without disabling the
Notebook PC’s touchpad. The configuration options are: [Enabled] [Disabled]
Quick Power On Self Test [Enabled]
This field speeds up the Power-On-Self Test (POST) routine by skipping certain redundant tests. Con-
figuration options are: [Disabled] [Enabled]
CPU/Chipset Revision Check [Enabled]
When enabled, BIOS will check the revisions of the CPU, North Bridge (NB), and South Bridge (SB)
to make sure that they are mass-production versions and not beta versions. If beta versions are detected,
the following will be sent to Port 80:90h (CPU is incorrect), 91h (NB is incorrect), 92h (SB is incor-
rect). Configuration options are: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Advanced Menu
Selecting Advanced from the main menu bar display the Advanced menu as shown below.
I t e m S p e c i f i c H e l p
I / O D e v i c e C o n f i g u r a t i o n
I n t e r n a l P o i n t i n g D e v i c e
[ E n a b l e d ]
Q u i c k P o w e r O n S e l f Te s t
[ E n a b l e d ]
C P U / C h i p s e t R e v i s i o n C h e c k
[ E n a b l e d ]
< E n t e r > t o g o t o t h e
s u b - m e n u .