B. other video drivers – Asus P2L-VM User Manual
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ASUS P2L-VM/P2E-VM User’s Manual
B. Other Video Drivers
Memory aperture test failure or Diagnostics program locks or Reboots during
aperture test
If you receive an error message indicating that the memory aperture location is con-
flicting with your system memory, restart the INSTALL program as follows: IN-
lect a location above but not overlapping System Memory (S), BIOS (B) or Re-
served (R) locations. Not applicable for ISA cards.
Desired resolution is disabled and displayed in gray
A mode displayed in gray means that the BIOS is told this mode is not available,
based on the device configuration. Reinstall using custom monitor selection.
Menu item is disabled and displayed in gray
The test program has determined that the mode or test is not available under the
current configuration. Aperture tests are not available if the aperture is disabled, and
CRT mode and pixel depth are determined by current installation, DAC type, memory
size, and memory type.
Adapter not detected
This message should only occur when a mach64 ASIC is not detected. If this mes-
sage occurs and a mach64 board is present, it may indicate an I/O conflict, conflicts
between the Extended Memory Manager (EMM) and the video ROM. Try remov-
ing all other boards from the system and booting from a plain DOS disk. Try exclud-
ing the video BIOS address (C0000-C7FFF) from the memory manager. Refer to
the documentation furnished with the memory manager software for information.
Any FIFO test error
The effects of a bad command FIFO should be visible. (e.g., the screen does not
come up, or it displays garbage.)
Quick memory test error
Run Detailed RAM Test to confirm the error and identify the address of the error.
Detailed memory test error.
Run Detailed RAM Test several times to confirm the error and take notes of any
messages and error codes.
DAC LUT test failure.
An error has occurred while testing the DAC LookUp Table. The problem should be
visible on the top color bar of any 8bpp mode.
ROM checksum error.
An error has been detected in the ROM.
Draw sequence failure.
An error has occurred in the draw engine. If the error is intermittent, it might indi-
cate a marginal RAM failure. The effects of this failure may not be immediately
B. Other V
ideo Drivers
Error Codes