5 hw monitor configuration, 6 boot menu, Hw monitor configuration -17 – Asus M4A78L-M LE User Manual

Page 59: Boot menu -17

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HW Monitor Configuration

CPU Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF] or [Ignored]

MB Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF] or [Ignored]

The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the motherboard and CPU

temperatures. Select Ignored if you do not wish to display the detected temperatures.

CPU / Chassis Fan Speed [N/A], [xxxxRPM], or [Ignored]

The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the CPU / Chassis fan

speeds in rotations per minute (RPM). If the fan is not connected to the motherboard, the field

shows N/A. Select [gnored] if you do not want the detected speed to be displayed.

VCORE Voltage, 3.3V Voltage, 5V Voltage, 12V Voltage [xx.xxxV] or [Ignored]

The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects the voltage output through the onboard

voltage regulators.

Smart Q-Fan Function [Disabled]

Enables or disables the ASUS Q-Fan feature that smartly adjusts the CPU fan speeds for

more efficient system operation. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Power on By PS/2 Keyboard [Disabled]

Enables or disables the PS/2 Keyboard to generate a wake event.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Space Bar] [Power Key] [Ctrl-Esc]

Power on From S5 By RTC Alarm [Disabled]

Enables or disables RTC to generate a wake event. Configuration options: [Disabled]



Boot menu

The Boot menu items allow you to change the system boot options. Select an item then

press to display the submenu.

Select Screen

Select Item

Enter Go to Sub Screen

F1 General Help

F10 Save and Exit

ESC Exit

v02.61 (C)Copyright 1985-2009, American Megatrends, Inc.

Boot Settings Configuration


Specifies the Boot

Device Priority


A virtual floppy disk

drive (Floppy Drive B:)

may appear when you set

the CD-ROM drive as the

first boot device.


Main Advanced Power


Tools Exit

Boot Device Priority

Boot Settings