Universal Audio 1176LN Solid-State User Manual

Page 7

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The Two Page, Two Minute Guide To Getting Started



Step 4:
On the right side of the front panel, depress the +4 Meter button. This not only turns on the
power to the 1176 but also ensures that the meter displays the final output level. (NOTE: Depressing
any Meter button other than OFF also has the effect of powering on the 1176LN; when powered on, the
front panel meter lights up.)

Step 5: Set the Input and Output knobs to approximately 24 (their 12 o’clock position) for unity gain.

Step 6: Set the Attack and Release knobs fully counterclockwise (in the case of the Attack knob, to its
OFF position).

Step 7: Unmute your speakers and begin monitoring the 1176LN output. At the source, raise the level
of the input signal until the 1176LN meter shows optimum signal strength (around 0 VU, with
occasional excursions into the red, but with no audible distortion).

Step 8: With the Attack knob at its OFF position, signal is passing through the 1176LN circuitry but
with a compression ratio of 1:1, thus adding “color,” but with no gain reduction. Depress the 4 Ratio
button (4:1) and slowly raise the Attack knob to hear the effect of moderate compression on your

Step 9: Experiment by selecting different Ratios, and by trying “All-Button” mode (pressing in all four
Ratio buttons simultaneously). Also try varying the Input level and Attack and Release times for
different compression and limiting characteristics. Note that, unlike many other devices, the 1176LN
attack and release times are faster when their associated knobs are turned clockwise, and slower
when they are turned counterclockwise. Set the Meter switch to GR in order to view the amount of gain
reduction being applied to the signal. Note that as you increase the amount of gain reduction (by
raising the Input level and/or selecting higher ratios), the overall signal may be attenuated. If
necessary, you can make up the difference by turning the Output knob clockwise. Depress either the
+8 or +4 Meter buttons in order to view the final output level. A meter reading of 0 corresponds to an
output level of either +8 dBm or +4dBm at the 1176LN output, respectively.

For more information, refer to the “Front Panel” and “Rear Panel” sections on pages 8 - 11.