SENA HD1300 User Manual
Page 16

Starter Kit and User Manual for the HelloDevice 1300
List, it will run "DB Setting for BOOTP" window automatically. User should enter IP address and Gateway
address of the HelloDevice, and add them to BOOTP DB list.
(5) Check the status of Tx LED on HelloDevice.
The HelloDevice Utility Software will send a reply for IP assignment to the BOOTP request of the HelloDevice.
The Tx LED will be blinking periodically to indicate a BOOTP request. At this point, [Status] bar displays the
“BootP reply sent... [ 192.168. 1. 15 ]” message. Wait until Tx LED does not blink any longer, and then stop
the functions of BOOTP server by clicking [BOOTP Stop] button.
(6) Use the ping command to check your IP address setting of HelloDevice.
Run the ping program at the command prompt. If your IP address is correctly set, the response to the ping will be
as follows:
>> ping
>> Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=251
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=251
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=251
If the response above is not displayed, the IP address was not entered correctly, so you should repeat steps (4),
(5) and (6).
(7) Use [IP Find] to identify IP address setting of HelloDevice.
Click [IP Find] button, and the window in figure 4.8 will be shown. Enter the MAC address of HelloDevice and
click [Find] button. The IP address currently set in the “Found IP” item will be displayed.