Transmission set-up, Parts used, Transmission measurement set-up procedure – Ocean Optics RTL Reflection Stage User Manual

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A: Specifications



5. Attach the light trap to the rail. Adjust the position of the light trap so that no external light

reaches the reflection probe.

6. Start acquisition.

7. Readjust height of the reflection probe until you get the maximum signal. Make sure that the

reflection probe does not touch the sample.

8. Start your measurements.

Transmission Set-up

Use the Stage-RTL-T to measure transmission of a sample.

Parts Used

 Two (2) 74UV collimating lenses
 Two (2) fiber holders
 Sample holder

Transmission Measurement Set-up Procedure


1. Unscrew the light trap of fiber holder 1.

2. Unscrew the reflection probe holder of fiber holder 2.

3. Screw the 74UV into the fiber holders.

4. Attach the lower fiber holder to the rail. Adjust height so that the fiber bend radius is sufficient.

5. Attach the sample holder to the rail above fibe rholder 1.

6. Attach fiber holder 2 to the rail above the sample holder.

7. Connect the fibers to the fiber holders.

8. Adjust position of the upper fiber holder so that there is enough room for the sample.

9. Adjust the focus of the 74UV collimating lens.

10. Start measuring.