Ocean Optics OOIBase32 with No ADC Type User Manual

Engineering Note
Starting OOIBase32 with No ADC Type
Product Affected: OOIBase32
Date Issued:
OOIBase32 depends on several initialization files to determine what type of hardware to connect to.
Once these default configuration files are established and saved, OOIBase32 will start up successfully.
However, if you frequently change the type of hardware that you are using, then OOIBase32 can get
confused and appear to be “hung-up”. In most cases it’s not “hung-up”, but just trying to communicate
to hardware that is not present.
To get around this scenario, it’s possible to start OOIBase32 with an ADC Type of none. This enables
OOIBase32 to open successfully. You can then tell OOIBase32 what hardware is connected
(SPECTROMETER | CONFIGURE) and save the configuration files.
To start OOIBase32 with an ADC type of none, follow the steps below:
1. Create a copy of the shortcut to OOIBase32 that can be modified by one of the following
• In the START | PROGRAMS |OCEAN OPTICS | OOIBase32 menu structure, right-click
on OOIBase32 and select Copy. You can then paste this shortcut to the desktop or any
other location.
• Using Windows Explorer, browse to the OOIBase32 directory (default location is
\Program Files\Ocean Optics\OOIBase32) and then select the OOIBase32.exe file. Create
a shortcut by selecting the FILE | CREATE SHORTCUT menu option.
2. Edit this shortcut by right-clicking and selecting the Properties entry.
3. Add
/none to the end of the target line. Depending where it’s installed, the new line will read
"C:\Program Files\Ocean Optics\OOIBase32\OOIBase32.exe" /none.
4. Press
5. If desired, change the name of the shortcut to OOIBase32 No ADC.