Ocean Optics Correcting Device Driver Issues User Manual

Page 6

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Correcting Device Driver Issues

Correcting Device Driver Issues


Windows NT:

Edit the Registry:

Note: Only experienced personnel should attempt to edit the registry. Editing the registry

can result in irreparable damage and an un-bootable computer if care is not taken.
Inexperienced users should NOT attempt these steps. If you feel uncertain in your ability
to perform these steps safely, contact Ocean Optics Customer Support for assistance.

1. Click

Start | Run and type in Regedit to open the Windows Registry Editor.

2. Navigate to and expand the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SYSTEM | CurrentControlSet | Services | DriverX

3. Right-click on the key name and select Delete from the pop-up menu. This deletes the

key and all sub-keys.

4. Close the Registry Editor.

Remove Improperly Installed Files

1. Open



2. Navigate to the Windows | System

3. Delete


DriverX.SYS file in the System directory.

4. Reinstall your Ocean Optics application and reboot the system when prompted.

5. Reinstall the PCI device.

The system will now be able to locate and install the correct drivers for the PCI device.