9 ioc event monitor, 10 odep level monitor, 11 crown bus “drop out” relays – Crown Audio IQ-P.I.P.-MEM User Manual

Page 14: 12 dspi, 13 aux output

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Page 14

Reference Manual

IQ–P.I.P.-MEM Programmable Input Processor for IQ Systems

The output signal of some
amplifiers must be padded before
the IQ–P.I.P.-MEM can scale them.
This is accomplished by setting
jumpers JP4 and JP5 on the IQ
circuit board to the “IN” position.
Only PIP2-compatible amplifiers do
not require these pads. Set jumpers
JP4 and JP5 to the “OUT” position
for them (see Figure 4.8).

The output signals of all amplifiers
must be scaled in order to
“calibrate” the 0 dB level. (See
Section 4.5.) This is accomplished
with either an amplifier ID code or
a user scale factor. The factory
default setting for this is an
amplifier ID code of “CT-70V” which
assumes that the output level is that
of a Com-Tech amplifier (any
model) with both channels in the
70-V output mode. Note: PIP2-
compatible amplifiers are
automatically scaled by the IQ–

3.9 IOC Event Monitor

The Input/Output Comparator


) of each channel of the

amplifier can be monitored by the
IQ System. The IOC circuitry acts
as a sensitive distortion meter to
provide you

proof of distortion-free

performance. If distortion of any
kind equals or exceeds 0.05%, the
IOC circuit will cause an indicator
on the front of the amplifier to flash.
By monitoring these events, the IQ
System can flash an indicator on
the screen of the host computer to
aler t a user that distor tion is

3.10 ODEP Level Monitor

The Output Device Emulation

Protection (ODEP


) level of each

channel of the amplifier can be
monitored by the IQ software. This
level represents the percent of
available thermodynamic energy
that is currently being used. When
the ODEP level reaches 100%, the
amplifier cannot produce any more
power and “ODEP limiting” will
begin to limit the drive level to the
output devices, thereby protecting
them from too much stress. (See
the amplifier’s Reference or
Owner’s Manual for more
information about ODEP.)

3.11 Crown Bus “Drop Out”

“Drop out” relays are provided on
the Crown Bus ports to maintain the
continuity of the IQ communication
loop even if the IQ–P.I.P.-MEM loses

3.12 DSPI

A Data Signal Presence Indicator
(DSPI) is provided on the front
panel. It flashes whenever
commands addressed to the IQ–
P.I.P.-MEM are received. It can be
forced to stay on by IQ software to
assist with troubleshooting of an IQ

3.13 AUX Output

A 3-pin male mini XLR connector is
provided to control auxiliary equip-
ment. When the AUX feature is
turned on, +15 VDC is provided
across pin 1 (gnd) and pin 3 (+). A
nominal current of 10 mA is avail-
able. The

IQ System is used to con-

trol the AUX output.