Setup – Crown Audio VRack12000HD User Manual

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Operation Manual


Safety Precautions: Before attempting to suspend your speakers or power amplifier rack, read and understand the

following safety information.

Important Suspension Safety Warning!

The information is this section has been assembled from recognized engineering data and is intended for informational

purposes only. None of the information in this section should be used without first obtaining competent advice with respect to

applicability to a given circumstance. None of the information presented herein is intended as a representation or warranty on

the part of Crown. Anyone making use of this information assumes all liability arising from such use.

All information presented herein is based upon materials and practices common to North America and may not directly apply

to other countries because of differing material dimensions, specifications, and/or local regulations. Users in other countries

should consult with appropriate engineering and regulatory authorities for specific guidelines.

Correct use of all hardware is required for secure system suspension. Careful calculations should always be performed

to ensure that all components are used within their rated workload before the array is suspended. Never exceed maximum

recommended load ratings.

Before suspending any speaker system or power amplifier rack, always inspect all components (enclosure, suspension frames,

pins, etc.) for cracks; deformation; corrosion; missing, loose or damaged parts that could reduce strength and safety of the

array. Do not suspend the speaker or power amplifier rack until the proper corrective action has been taken. Use only load-

rated hardware when suspending the VRack.

Are You New to Suspension?

If you are new to suspension, you should do the following:

• Read and study.

• Know the Rules for Safe Suspension.

• Attend a safe suspension seminar, such as that presented by professionals like Suspension Seminars™ or by Chain Motor

Hoist manufacturers like Columbus McKinnon Corp. (manufacturers of the C/M Lodestar).

• Meet and establish a relationship with a licensed mechanical or structural engineer. Get in the habit of asking them

questions instead of guessing about their answers. Learn from what they tell you.

• Meet and discuss this aspect of your business with your Insurance Agent.

• Research and understand the codes, practices, and requirements in the venues where you intend to operate your system.

General Hardware Information

Any hardware used in an overhead suspension application must be load rated for the intended use. Generally, this type of

hardware is available from suspension supply houses, industrial supply catalogs and specialized suspension distributors.

Local hardware stores do not usually stock these products.

Attachment to Structures

A licensed Professional Engineer must approve placement and method of attachment to structures prior to installation of any

overhead object. The following performance standards should be provided to the Professional Engineer for design purposes:

Uniform Building Code as applicable, Municipal Building Code as applicable, Seismic Code as applicable. Installation of

hardware and method of attachment must be carried out in the manner specified by the Professional Engineer. Improper

installation may result in damage, injury or death.
