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Deltoid Lat Pull Station Adjustment

Delt Station in Down Angle Position

Delt Station in Up Angle Position

Deltoid Station in Down Angle Position

In order to use the UPPERTONE for the palm up and down deltoid as well as lateral shoulder raises, the deltoid
station needs to be adjusted in the down angle position.

As the picture above on the left shows, the lower hole in the deltoid plate needs to be fixed to one of the holes in
the horizontal swing plates. The particular hole you use depends on your needs as described in the each

Deltoid Station in Up Angle Position

In order to use the UPPERTONE for the rickshaw, shoulder pulls, lat pulls, and tricep exercises, the deltoid
station needs to be adjusted in the up angle position.

As the picture above on the right shows, the upper hole in the deltoid plate needs to be fixed to one of the holes
in the vertical swing plate. The particular hole you use depends on your needs as described in the each exercise.

These adjustments apply to:

Up Angle Position

Down Angle Position

(a) Rickshaw exercise

(a) Palm down deltoid press

(b) Tricep extensions

(b) Palm up deltoid press

(c) Front shoulder pull

(c) Palm down lateral shoulder raise

(d) Lat pull

(d) Palm up lateral shoulder raise

(e) Shoulder depressors
(f) Shoulder shrugs