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Shoulder Extensions

Shoulder Extensions

Shoulder Extensions

1. Adjust the resistance on the left and right sides to the desired level.
2. Adjust the height of the UPPERTONE so that the deltoid pivot points (the pegs) are just below your

shoulders. The foam pads on the deltoid arms should be at shoulder level or slightly higher.

3. Hang the bottom or top rickshaw loop on the deltoid arm between the collar and the foam pad. Use the

bottom loop for maximum range and the higher loop to limit the range or be more comfortable. The pad on
the rickshaw handle should be just above leg level.

4. Use the higher hole in the deltoid station for greater range of motion. Use the lower hole for smaller range

of motion, or for greater comfort.

5. Position the wheelchair so that the distance between your shoulder and the rickshaw handles is equal to the

length of your upper arm. When your hands are on the pad, the arms should extend out parallel to and a
few inches above your legs, with the rickshaw handle pads being near the knee.

6. Position the deltoid handles so that you are in a comfortable position and the wheelchair does not interfere

when you pull the rickshaw handles straight back.

7. To do the exercise, keep your arm straight, and pull the rickshaw handle straight back in a motion parallel

to your legs. Then return your arm to the starting position.

8. You should pull in a smooth motion without bending your arm. In other words the movement should be at

the shoulder and not the elbow.

9. Throughout the entire movement you should sit up straight. Do not lean or slouch
10. It is also important that you maintain control throughout the entire range of motion without bending or

swinging your arm. The return motion too should be under your control.

11. Use the same motion for the desired number of repetitions.
12. We recommend that in order to develop the proper technique and sense of balance you do this exercise one

arm at a time.

13. You may also want to start with a low resistance and a smaller range of motion, increasing both gradually

as you become stronger and more flexible.