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Shoulder Shrugs

Shoulder Shrugs Facing Out


You can do the shoulder shrugs facing in, or out, of the UPPERTONE. Use the direction most comfortable for
you. If you use a power chair with a high back and find it difficult to back into the UPPERTONE, do the
exercise facing in.

1. Adjust the resistance on the left and right sides to the desired level.
2. Adjust the height of the UPPERTONE so that the deltoid pivot points (the pegs) are just below your


3. Pin the deltoid arms in the up angle position. The foam pads on the deltoid arms should be at shoulder level

or slightly higher. Use the higher hole for the pin for the most range of motion. Use the lower hole for
lower range of motion, or if you can not use the lower hole for some other reason.

4. Hang the top or bottom rickshaw loop on the deltoid arm between the collar and the foam pad so that the

heel pad on the rickshaw handle is at the bottom of the rib cage.

5. Position the deltoid handles so that you are in a comfortable position and the wheelchair does not interfere

when you push down on the rickshaw handles.

6. Position the wheelchair so that when your hands are on the rickshaw handle pads, your elbows are bent

around 90 degrees, and you can push straight down without leaning or slouching.

7. Place the heel of the hand on the pad, with the fingers hanging over to avoid pulling with the fingers and to

avoid bending the wrist. But, if you are more comfortable doing so, place your palm on the rickshaw

8. Then push down on the pad as far as you can go locking your elbow.
9. Now do the shoulder shrugs by moving your shoulders up and down while keeping your arms straight.
10. Throughout the entire movement you should sit up straight. Do not lean or slouch.
11. Use the same motion for the desired number of repetitions.