Peerless-AV PRS-UNV-S - Sell Sheet User Manual
Prs projector mount, Prs-unv(-s)(-w) prs-1(-s)(-w), For multimedia projectors up to 25 lb (11 kg)

PRS Projector Mount
For Multimedia Projectors up to 25 lb (11 kg)
The PRS Series Projector Mount offers the fastest and easiest installation. This mount allows for
independent roll, pitch and yaw alignment with four easy to reach adjustment points. With its
discreet, low-profile design it is perfect for flush mounting applications. Available in black, silver
and white to match any installation requirement.
Model Specific
Adapters Available
Image alIgnment made easy
Four independent adjustment
screws allow for a hassle free
adjustment of the swivel, roll
and pitch
UnIversal CompatIbIlIty
Includes the Spider
Adapter Plate which extends
up to 17.63" (448 mm) to fit most
projector models
Max load: 25 lb (11 kg)
Independent roll, pitch and
yaw adjustments provide
easy image alignment
Low-profile design allows
for flush mounting installions
Pre-assembled design
reduces installation time
Cable management
allows cables to be routed
through projector mount
out of sight
Quick- release mechanism
to easily service projector
Universal Adapter
Plate extends up to 17.63"
(448 mm) to fit most
projector models
Tilt: +5°/ -20°
Roll: ±10°
Swivel: 360° when
mounted on
extension column
±15° when flush
mounted on
Call: 800.865.2112
FaX: 708.865.2941
eFFortless projeCtor
With its intuitively designed
quick-release thumbscrew that
smoothly unwinds to enable
easy-glide removal of the
projector in and out of the
mount. No tools required.