Peerless-AV PAG-UNV-MU - Sell Sheet User Manual
Arakno geared micro projector mount, Pag-unv-mu pag-mu

Arakno Geared Micro Projector Mount
For Multimedia Projectors up to 25lb (11.3kg)
Right out of the box, no other projector mount makes ceiling applications easier than the
Arakno Geared Universal Projector Mount from Peerless. Specially designed with superior grip
adjustment knobs that put the control of the patented precision gear system in your hands.
Just set the mount and forget it. Universal Spider
adapter arms provide maximum compatibility
options. Create stunning ceiling applications without the hassle. Choose the Arakno Geared
Universal Projector Mount from Peerless.
Max load: 25lb (11.3kg)
Patented gear technology
enables effortless adjustment
to achieve precise image
Dual knobs design provides
a hassle-free method for
adjusting the gears
Provides superior range
Tilt: ±25°
Roll: ±25°
Swivel: 360°
Small and lighter mount, for
lighter loads and precision
Quick-release mechanism to
easily service projector
eFFortleSS adjuStment
Patented Gear Technology puts
precise projector adjustments
at your fingertips
Clutter -Free InStallatIon
The cable management system allows
for cable routing straight through the
mount to keep the projector cables
secure and out of sight
PreCISe ImaGe alIGnment
Dual knob functionality enables
precise alignment by hand or with
the use of an Allen wrench
unIVerSal ComPatIBIlItY
Universal Adapter Plate
boasts extendable mounting
configuration for increased
Call: 800.865.2112
FaX: 800.359.6500