Peerless-AV WL-PRG-UNV-200 - Sell Sheet User Manual
Wireless solutions, Peerair™ wireless prg projector mount, Wl-prg-unv-200

PeerAir™ Wireless Precision Gear Projector Mount is the pioneer in delivering patented-
pending precision gear technology with Full HD 1080p and passive 3D content streaming
without the need for costly drilling and pulling of signal cables through walls, floors or
ceilings. Featuring pin-point precision projector alignment that will not budge, even during
projector maintenance and high-definition wireless content streaming or game play, this
wireless projector mounting solution is the easiest and most efficient way to deliver Full HD
3D content to any projector without the need to run signal cables.
PeerAir™ Wireless PRG Projector Mount
For projectors up to 50lb (22kg)
Includes everything needed
to mount and stream wireless
Full HD 1080p and passive
3D content to the mounted
projector through walls, floors
or ceilings
For projectors up to 50lb
Patent-pending precision
gears provides exact
projector image alignment
Two adjustment knobs
control projector image
Pre-assembled design
reduces installation time
Spider Universal Adapter
Plate extends up to 17.63"
(448mm) to fit most projector
Tilt ± 20°, Roll ± 10°, Swivel
360° mounted on extension
column ±15° when flush
mounted on ceilings - for
ideal image positioning
Pre-installed security screws
provide optional tilt and roll
lock to prevent tampering
with adjustment knobs
Includes two 1.6" (0.5m)
HDMI cables for clean,
fast and easy connectivity
Includes IR Extender for
enhanced remote control
of AV components
Release mechanism to easily
service components
Quick and easy installation
and plug-and-play wireless
Set It and Forget It
Patent-pending precision
gear technology lets you
set the projector image
alignment and forget it,
will not shift even during
projector maintenance
WIreleSS Full Hd
1080p and 3d StreamIng
Cable-free high-definition
and passive 3D signal
streaming up to 131' (40m)
through floors, walls and
unIVerSal CompatIBIlItY
Universal Adaptor Plate
extends up to 17.63" (448mm)
to fit most projector models
pIn-poInt Image
precision gears provides
exact projector image
Accommodate up to
360ºof installation
Provides an ultra sleek
wireless content delivery
system with no long and
expensive cable runs
Includes everything needed to
quickly and easily stream wireless
content to the projector without
the need to run signal cables
Wireless Solutions
Call: 800.865.2112
FaX: 800.359.6500