Peerless-AV MOD-PRGSKIT300-B - Sell Sheet User Manual
For projectors up to 50lb (22kg)

Modular Series Precision Gear
Projector Mount Ceiling Kit
For Projectors up to 50lb (22kg)
The Peerless-AV
Modular Mount Line includes a small and easily manageable number of sku’s,
yet provides a full range of options that can fulfill a vast majority of end-user requirements.
Universal components make it quick and easy to design and configure the perfect custom
projector mounting solution, ideal for any application.
Designed around a 2" (50mm) diameter extension pole, the line is ideal for new projects as well
as upgrading existing installations.
The MOD-PRGSKIT100/150/300 Ceiling Mount Kits include all of the components required
to mount a projector from the ceiling. As part of the Peerless-AV Modular Series, it can be
expanded with additional Modular accessories (sold separately) to accommodate virtually
any custom configuration.
Max load: 50lb (22kg)
Pre-assembled Kit includes:
- Cathedral ceiling plate
- Chrome or black extension
pole in lengths of 39" (1m),
59" (1.5m), or 118" (3m)
- PRGS Projector Mount
- Universal Spider
Mount Adaptor
Cathedral ceiling plate
can be angled ±60° for
use with vaulted or sloping
Configurable projector
installation with drops of
39" (1m), 59" (1.5m) or 118"
(3m) in height
Universal Spider
designed to work with
nearly all projectors
weighing up to 50lb (22kg)
Three axes of precision
geared adjustment
provided by the PRGS
projector mount enable
precise image alignment
Cathedral Ceiling Plate
CaLL: 800.865.2112
FaX: 800.359.6500
Integrated CabLe
Protects, contains and
conceals cables for a clean,
professional installation
Patent Universal
unIverSaL mountIng
Installs to wood joist and
concrete or to truss/pipes
via accessory clamp kit
PreCISIon gear
IndePendent adjuStment
Provides +15°/-20° Pitch, ±5° Roll,
and 360° of Swivel
matCh any deCor
Extension pole available in
black or chrome