Peerless-AV PM610 - Installation User Manual
Warning, Electronics tower

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Model: PM 610
PM 610S
PM 610W
Installation and Assembly -
Electronics Tower
Maximum Load Capacity (Each Shelf):
15.00 lb (7.0 kg)
To Wood Stud Walls ........................................................................................................ page 2
To Solid Concrete, Cinder Block, and Brick Walls ........................................................ page 3
IMPORTANT! Turn to the appropriate page for your wall installation.
Read instruction sheet before you start installation and assembly.
• When installing Peerless wall mounts on cinder block, verify that you have a minimum of 1-3/8" of actual concrete
surface in the hole to be used for the concrete anchors. Do not drill into mortar joints! Be sure to mount in a solid
part of the block, generally 1" minimum from the side of the block. Cinder block must meet ASTM C-90 specifica-
tions. It is suggested that a standard electric drill on slow setting is used to drill the hole instead of a hammer drill to
avoid breaking out the back of the hole when entering a void or cavity.
• Concrete must be 2000 psi density minimum. Lighter density concrete may not hold concrete anchor.
• Make sure that the wall will safely support four times the combined load of the equipment and all attached hardware
and components.
PUBLICATION: 12-20-99 SHEET#: 021-9003-3 03-23-05
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