Peerless-AV ACCXT301 - Sell Sheet User Manual
Video conferencing shelf accessory, Accxt301, Compatible with peerless-av

Video Conferencing Shelf Accessory
Compatible with Peerless-AV
PP740, PA740, SP740P
and SA740P mounts
It’s never been easier to integrate video conferencing into any setting thanks to the Video
Conferencing Shelf Accessory from Peerless-AV
. It fits virtually any video conferencing
camera and offers the choice of mounting it above or below the display. There won’t be
any worries about camera position, as it provides simple height adjustment for the perfect
camera position. All while providing a clean, fully integrated style that looks great anywhere
from the boardroom to the classroom.
Max load: 5lb (2.27kg)
Universal, fits virtually any
video conference cameras
Compatible with Peerless-AV
PP740, PA740, SP740P and
SA740P mounts
Simple height adjustment
provides perfect camera
Mounts above or below the
Low profile design keeps the
low profile aspect of today’s
slim mounts
Cable management slot
keeps cables and cords
neatly organized
CaLL: 800.865.2112
FaX: 800.359.6500
unIverSaL FIt
Easily accommodates most
video conferencing cameras
temperature reguLatIon
Ventilation slots in camera shelf
help keep camera cool
Does not add
any depth to
the installation
of the mount
CLean InStaLLatIon
Cable management slot keeps
cables and cords neat
Shown attached to Peerless-AV SA740P mount
perFeCt poSItIonIng
Camera shelf can be
raised or lowered above
or below the display