Rainbow Electronics QIL-A9260-C11 User Manual
Page 26

cp - memory copy
cp [.b, .w, .l] source target count
The memory copy command copies data in memory, starting at the “source” address to the
“target”address. The “count” field specifies the number of bytes, words or long words to be copied
depending upon the extension field of the cp command. If a “.b” extension is used, the count field
specifies the number of bytes. Likewise, if a “.w” or “.l” extension is used, the count field
respectively specifies the number of words or long words.
The cp command is used as a FLASH programming command. The cp command can copy data
from one memory element to another memory element. The source can be
RAM/ROM/FLASH/EPROM or any other type of memory. The destination or target memory is
usually RAM; however the target memory can also be FLASH or other type of programmable, non-
volatile memory. If the destination for the data is FLASH or other type of programmable, non-
volatile memory, the U-Boot monitor program will determine the type of memory used as the
destination and choose the appropriate programming algorithm.
crc32 - checksum calculation
crc32 address count [addr] - compute CRC32 checksum [save at addr]
The crc32 command (short: crc) can be used to calculate a CRC32 checksum over a range of
QIL-A9260> crc 22000000 10
CRC32 for 22000000 ... 2200000f ==> 14a0f96b=> crc 100004 3FC
When used with 3 arguments, the command stores the calculated checksum at the given address:
QIL-A9260> crc 22000000 10 23000000
CRC32 for 22000000 ... 2200000f ==> 14a0f96b
QIL-A9260> md 23000000 4
23000000: 14a0f96b fffb37ff efafeeee fffff7fe k....7..........
date - set the date & time
date MMDDhhmmCCYY
will set the date to day "DD" of month "MM" in year "CCYY" with a time of "hh" hours and
"mm" minutes.
Example: date 100612252004 to set the date to 06th Oct 2004 at 12:25
echo - echo args to console
echo [args..] - echo args to console;
\c suppresses newline
Datasheet GSG-00006-A01