Effects – delay, Delay – introduction, Common parameters – delay – TC Electronic G-System User Manual

Page 71

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Delay – Introduction

The G-System offers not only standard Delay types but
also a few new ones. We believe that the following types
should cover all your delay needs:

Single Delay

Tape Delay



Ping Pong

Dynamic Delay

Dual Delay

All delays feature true “spillover” – meaning the repeats
of the delay can ring out when you change presets.
The tempo of the delay can be defined in relation to a
Global tempo, which can be tied to an incoming MIDI

Common Parameters – Delay

The following parameters are identical for all Delay
types. Parameters specific to certain delays are
described in the relevant sections.

Range: 0 to 1800ms
This parameter sets the time between the delay repeats.
This is also known as the “length” of the delay.

Range: Ignore, 2 to 1/32T (T= Triplet & D= Dotted)
When set to any value between 1 and 1/32T, the G-
System’s Global Tempo is subdivided according to this
setting. When set to “Ignore”, the speed set by the Speed
parameter is used instead.

The Tap Master parameter – located in the Utility
menu – specifies whether the Global tempo or the
tempo set by the Speed parameter in each preset
should be used at preset change.

Fb – Feedback
Range: 0 to 120%
This parameter sets the amount of feedback from the
output of the effect back to its input. Use the Feedback
parameter to set how many repeats of the signal you
would like to have.

Please use high settings with extreme caution.
Due to the spillover feature of the G-System,
there is no way to immediately cut off the delay

when you get an internal feedback at settings above
100%. If you do get internal feedback, either switch to a
different Delay Type or to a different preset that uses the
Delay, two times in succession.

Fblcut – Feedback LoCut
Range: 20Hz to 20kHz
Use this parameter to attenuate the frequencies below a
given frequency.
As with the Feedback Hi-Cut parameter, the delays may
blend in more nicely with the overall sound if you “thin
out” the effect at the low end.

Fbhcut – Feedback Hi-Cut
Range: 20Hz to 20kHz
With digital technology, every delay can be a precise
reproduction of the Input signal. But especially with long
Delay times, this is not always desirable, as these
pristine delays may disturb the original signal and result
in a “washed-out” sound. To compensate for this, use the
hi-cut filter, thereby emulating analog or tape style delay
The Feedback Hi-Cut parameter attenuates the
frequencies over the set frequency, resulting in a more
“analog” sound that in many cases that will blend in
better with the overall sound.

Range: 0 to 100%
This parameter sets the relationship between the dry
signal and the level of the effect in this Effect Block.