Modifier sections – TC Electronic TonePrint Editor User Manual

Page 17

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Modifier sections

TonePrint Editor 2.0 15

Modifier sections

Use the parameters displayed in the right-hand-
side section of the TonePrint Editor window to
set the parameters that define your TonePrint.

This is the heart of your TonePrint – the place
where you define your sound.

Please note that what you are seeing here de-
pends on the type of TonePrint pedal connect-
ed. With a modulation-only pedal, you will only
see the “Modulation” section. Reverb and delay
pedals will also show a Modulation section, as
described in “Different pedals, different param-
eters” (page 6).

If you have worked with effect processors (ei-
ther hardware or software) before, this part of
the TonePrint Editor window should look famil-
iar. This is an elegant, slider-based interface
with a “what you see is what you get” approach:
Change a parameter, and both the display and
what you are hearing will immediately reflect the
new setting.

In the following sections of this manual, we will
present and explain the parameters of the three
sections: Delay, Reverb, and Modulation.