Modifier sections – TC Electronic TonePrint Editor User Manual

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Modifier sections

TC Electronic TonePrint Editor

Manual for software version 1 .0


Modifier sections

Use the parameters displayed in the right-hand-

side section of the TonePrint Editor window to set

the parameters that define your TonePrint .

This is the heart of your TonePrint – the place

where you define your sound.

Please note that what you are seeing here de-

pends on the type of TonePrint pedal connected .

With a modulation-only pedal, you will only see

the “Modulation” section . Reverb and delay ped-

als will also show a Modulation section, as de-

scribed in “Different pedals, different parameters”

(page 4) .

If you have worked with effect processors (ei-

ther hardware or software) before, this part of the

TonePrint Editor window should look familiar . This

is an elegant, slider-based interface with a “what

you see is what you get” approach: Change a pa-

rameter, and both the display and what you are

hearing will immediately reflect the new setting .

In the following sections of this manual, we will

present and explain the parameters of the three

sections: Delay, Reverb, and Modulation .