Moog Music Etherwave Plus Kit (Upgrade Instructions) User Manual
Page 3

Drilling the holes for the 11-213 PCB
The drilling of the holes for the 11-213 PCB involves marking the location of the holes, counterboring three 7/8”
holes and drilling a 1/2” hole through the cabinet at the center of each counterbore. A counterbore is a term for a hole
that is not drilled completely through a surface and forms a cylindrical cutout in the surface that is drilled. The bottom
of a well made counterbore should be flat. In the following operations, accuracy is important, as is proper depth of the
counterbore. Figure 3 below shows a properly drilled counterbore.
1) Find the drill template at the back of this manual. Align the drill template on the bottom of the cabinet according
to the instructions on the template. (see figure 2)
2) Mark the holes to be drilled with a center punch. (see figure 2)
3) Check the holes – they all should be 1” from the front edge of the cabinet, the hole for the Gate Output should be
1 1/4” from the center of the cabinet.
4) With a 7/8” Forstner drill bit, set up your drill so you will counterbore the holes leaving 3/16” of material
between the bottom of the holes and the inside surface of the cabinet. If using a hand drill this can be done by
marking the drill bit with a piece of masking tape or with a paint marker 5/16” distance from the tip of
the drill’s cutting edge. Stop drilling when the mark reaches the surface of the wood.
figure 2
5) Carefully counterbore the 7/8” holes to the proper depth.
6) Prepare your drill for drilling a 1/2” diameter hole with the 1/2” drill bit.
7) At the center of the counterbore, drill a 1/2” hole through the bottom of the cabinet. See figure 3 for an
example of how a counterbore should look when complete.
figure 3