Model 6700 downflow, Installation and start-up procedures (cont’d.), Page 5 – Peerless Water 6700 - Service Manual User Manual

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MODEL 6700 Downflow

Installation and Start-up Procedures (Cont’d.)

15. Manually initiate a regeneration cycle and allow water to run to drain for 3 to 4 minutes. Next, manually step the

valve through a regeneration cycle checking valve operation in each step.

A. Initiating Regeneration (Depending on the timer regeneration type you have one or two (2) Options):

1. Press and Release the Extra Cycle Button. With Immediate Regeneration Timers the control will go into

regeneration immediately. With Delayed Regeneration Timers the Service Arrow will begin to flash
immediately and a regeneration will occur at the preset regeneration time (i.e. 2:00 a.m.)

2. Press and Hold for 5 seconds the Extra Cycle Button. The control will go into regeneration immediately.

B. Control Operation During Regeneration:


During regeneration the control will display the regeneration step number the valve is advancing to, or has
reached, and the time remaining in that step.


When the first cycle step is reached, a red LED will turn on to indicate the current regeneration cycle step.


Pushing the Extra Cycle Button during a regeneration step will immediately advance the valve to the next
regeneration step position.


Pushing the Up or Down Set Button during a regeneration step will adjust the time remaining in that current
regeneration step. Programmed Regeneration Steps will not be changed.


Once all regeneration cycle steps have been completed the valve will return to service and resume normal

16. Add water to the brine tank to the top of the air check. Manually step the valve to the Brine Draw position (see Step

#14) and allow the valve to draw water from the brine tank until it stops. Note: The air check will check at
approximately the midpoint of the screened intake area.

17. Manually step the valve to the brine refill position and allow the valve to return to service automatically.

18. Make sure the brine refill time (salt dosage) is set as recommended by the manufacturer.

19. With the valve in service, check that there is about 1

of water above the grid in the brine tank, if used.

20. Fill the brine tank with salt.

21. A 9V Alkaline Battery is recommended to be installed at all times for proper valve operation. The control will

indicate when the battery needs to be replaced by turning on the Low Battery LED.

For Example:
(Valve is advancing to Regeneration

(#1 flashing)
(Regeneration arrow on)

Step #1)


For Example:
(Regeneration Step #1 has

(10.0 minutes remain in Step #1)

been reached)
