Bolt (s-7485), Bolt (s-7488), Bolt and nut usage – Grain Systems Tanks PNEG-4021 User Manual

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4. Bolt and Nut Usage


PNEG-4021 40 Series 18', 21' and 24' Diameter Bins

Bolt (S-7485)

An S-7485 is a 3/8" x 1" JS hex bolt with flanged head and without a sealing washer.

Bolt (S-7488)

An S-7488 is a 3/8" x 1-1/2" JS bolt that is pre-assembled with a sealing washer.

Bolt (S-7485) is used in the following locations:

1. Use to splice the stiffeners together on the flanges.

(A flange nut is used on the nut side of the connection.)

2. Use to splice the laminated stiffeners together. (A flange

nut is used on the nut side of the connection.)

3. The color of bucket lid is light green.


1.350" (3.43 cm)


Grade 8


1.000" (2.54 cm)


Grade 8.2

Bolt (S-7488) is used in the following locations:

1. Use in all stiffener to sidewall and overlap connections

where the sidewall is 9 gauge or thicker.

2. Use in vertical and horizontal seams on sidewall that is

6 gauge or thicker.

3. The color of the bucket lid is orange.

NOTE: Do not use in flanges where the splice plate bolts

to the stiffeners. Sealing washers should not be
used for these connections.


1.850" (4.70 cm)


Grade 8


1.500" (3.81 cm)


Grade 8.2