Velleman PCSU1000 DSO User Manual

Page 5

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© 2005 ... Velleman


Automatic setup for the Volts/div, Time/div, and Trigger level to produce a stable waveform of usable
size. The trigger will be set on if the wave aplitude on the screen is more then 0.5 divisions.
The signal should be repetitive for proper autoset function: Amplitude 5mV to 100V; frequency above
50Hz; duty cycle greater than 10%.


When this button is down the scope captures many acquisitions of a signal to the screen. Record
points accumulate until you release the button.

When this button is down the scope captures many acquisitions of a signal to the screen. Record
points accumulate until you release the button.
Using Persistence option you can easily analyze worst-case signal variations, such as jitter or noise.
The Persist option can also be used to locate errors in digital signals. Using this option you can
capture erroneous events even if they only occur once. Persist option makes it easy to compare
known and unknown circuits. Click "Single" button to capture multiple waveforms on the same screen.

Persist option lets you see the range over which a signal varies

Use the Persist option to get solid XY patterns in the XY Plot mode