Velleman VMB8PB User Manual

Page 11

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VMB8PBU – ed.1 | 8-channel pushbutton module



The pushbutton interface module is added to the Velbus system.
To all eight pushbuttons actions can be attributed to control relay channels e.g. switch them on or off, dim lights, open
or close window shutters and so on …
Configuration can only be done through the Velbuslink software.


Every module in the Velbus system must have a unique address.
Address setting is done by software.


Each button can be assigned a name (max. 16 characters) via the Velbuslink software. This can be very handy during
configuration of actions (controlling a relay, dimmer, window shutter…)

Response time:

Determines how long the pushbutton must be pushed for the action to take place. This can be immediately or after 1, 2
or 3 seconds.
Tip: For a pushbutton with action ‘All off’ it is better to configure a response time of 3 seconds.


Unused pushbuttons may be suppressed.
Tip: To avoid accidental operation of the awing during wintertime, suppress those pushbuttons in winter and only make
them available during summertime.


It is possible to make a pushbutton act as being normally closed.

to connect magnetic contacts that are normally closed.

Multichannel pushbutton:

It is possible to control multiple channels via a single pushbutton. With every press on the button the next channel will
be selected. Different actions can be linked with each channel.

To change a pushbutton into a multichannel pushbutton the first and last channels must be set. Usually these are
identical to make the pushbutton act as a regular 1-channel pushbutton. When the last channel is set higher than the
first each push will select the next channel. When the last channel is reached, it loops back to the first

It is also possible to automatically jump back to the first channel when the pushbutton isn’t used for 3 seconds.

This multichannel pushbutton is extremely handy to call multiple dimming atmospheres with only one button.

Double-channel pushbutton:

It is possible to control two channels with only one pushbutton. A short press will control one channel while pushing
long will control the other. An action can be linked to each channel.

Enable this mode to change a regular into a double-channel pushbutton and set the first and last channel
A short push controls the first channel.
A long push controls the last channel.
The duration of the long push can be set to 1, 2 or 3 seconds.

Remark: when enabling double-channel mode, the multi-channel mode is disabled.


Non-used pushbuttons can be suppressed.