Soft dB Zen-Ten Spec sheet User Manual

Page 4

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Technical Specifications



3 inputs for the reference signals with an adjustable gain (0 dB to 54 dB)


3 inputs for the error signals with an adjustable gain (0 dB to 54 dB)


Software selectable Electret microphone input or direct input


Direct input dynamic ±20V


Microphone input dynamic ±2V


3 outputs for control signal (dynamic ±2V)


Very low group delay: 0.4 ms


USB 2.0 link


Metal box, 28 x 21 x 8 cm

PC interface specifications:


User friendly PC interface for setting the controller and analysing the control results


Automatic control paths identification module


Easy-to-use module for designing the pass-band filter applied on inputs


Scope and frequency analyzer allowing the spectral analysis of any signal of the control system


Real-time control filters observer


Real-time estimation of the noise reduction on each channel


Useful export functions for reports and further analysis


Built-in analysis module

X-LMS algorithm


Adjustable frequency span up to 39 kHz (with real-time optimization)


Selectable coupled or non-coupled mode


Primary control path compensation


White noise generator for stabilization of the control filter coefficients


Real-time normalization of the adaptation step for the LMS algorithms


Pass-band filter on all inputs to force the control on a specific spectral zone


Real wideband controller : for instance, at 15.6 kHz, the controller can optimize up to 290 coefficients
(coupled mode) and 992 (non-coupled mode)