5 main interface – Soft dB Opus Suite Building Acoustics Module Airborne Sound Isolation between Rooms ASTM E 336_ISO 140-4 User Manual

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5 Main Interface

Figure 1: Main interface

Main controls and indicators

Standard used for the STC evaluation. The standard can be

changed at any time. The only difference is the frequency span

used for the display and for the global value evaluation.

• ASTM E336-05, bands from 125 to 4000 Hz

• ISO 140-4, bands from 100 to 3150 Hz

Main interface tabs:

• Measurements tab (section 7, p.16)

• Result tab (section8, p.24)

• Comments tab (section 9, p.26)

File Menu button (see the following table).

Setup button that calls the setup interface (section 6, p.13).

Module name and version number.

File name of the measurement.

A green check on the disk icon indicates that the data are saved.

Click this button to display the help window.

This help is a reminder of the steps and the rules to follow.