GE Healthcare Dynamic Vue User Manual

Dynamic vue, Ge healthcare

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Quantitative review of 4D PET datasets
with time activity curves.

GE Healthcare


Dynamic VUE lets you make optimum
use of the information PET and PET/CT
scanners provide from static, dynamic
and gated scans. With it, you have the
ability to quantitatively review 4D PET
datasets and generate time activity
curves and summing images over time.

PET’s ability to noninvasively measure the metabolic activity of

cells in the human body provides valuable information of the

biochemical and biological activity of a living subject. Using this

diagnostic tool, clinicians are able to obtain early information on

the state of cardiac disease, neurological disorders, and cancer. A

program that lets you view a graphic representation of this

molecular activity over time would give you key information about

the early onset and progression of various disease states.

Optimize PET neurology and
cardiology scans.

PET 4D visualization.

Image summing.

Quantitative analysis.

Customizable parameters.

Dynamic Vue

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