Case study #2 – GE Healthcare StentViz User Manual

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Case Study #2

This is the case of 67-year-old male
patient - 78kg/172cm - presenting a
stable angina.

Coronary angiography on Innova 2100


presents a 16 to 20mm lesion at the
bifurcation of the LAD and the 1st

A 2.5mm/18.0mm Nobori™ Stent
(Terumo, Tokyo, Japan) is deployed
during 40s at 14 atm at the level of the
bifurcation. StentViz is launched and
allows to depict the stent deployment.
It shows clearly that the stent requires
a further dilatation, which is performed
using a 3.0mm/10.0mm Hiryu™ balloon
during 30s at 12 atm.

Institut Cardiovasculaire Paris Sud, Massy, France

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