GE Healthcare Vivid S6 Cardiovascular ultrasound system User Manual

Reach the next level of shared-service imaging, Ge healthcare, Vivid s6 and s5 cardiovascular ultrasound systems

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GE Healthcare

Reach the next level of
shared-service imaging.

Vivid S6 and S5 cardiovascular ultrasound systems

The Vivid


S6 and S5 Signature Class CV ultrasound systems

feature an innovative design that improves productivity. Combining
the mobility of miniaturization with the comfort of a console,
the compact Vivid S6 and S5 offer high-performance imaging
that can bring workflow to the next level.

Fully integrated cardiac, vascular, and OB/GYN measurement
and report packages improve productivity, and reduce time spent
documenting after the patient has left. The vascular package
offers automated vascular calculations, as well as automatic
optimization tools to improve the efficiency of all types of vascular
exams. The systems’ automated image quality features and wide
range of connectivity options facilitate faster acquisitions, streamline
procedures, and provide new productivity standards for your lab.