Ge imagination at work – GE Healthcare SenoClaire 3D Breast Tomosynthesis User Manual

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© 2013 Copyright GE Healthcare - HCS DGS WH BC 06 16 1 DOC1407652

GE imagination at work

Data subject to change.

Marketing Communications GE Medical Systems

Société en Commandite Simple au capital de de 85.418.040 Euros

283 rue de la Minière – 78533 Buc Cedex France

RCS Versailles B 315 013 359

A General Electric company, doing business as GE Healthcare

SenoClaire is also available on Senographe Care

*GE, GE monogram, Senographe, SenoClaire and ASiR,

are trademarks of General Electric Company.

It’s a requirement of dose performance that patient X-ray dose
be kept as low as reasonably acceptable. A single MLO view of
SenoClaire, powered by ASiR


, provides clinical non-inferiority

when compared to 2-view digital mammography. It’s half the dose,
with one single compression.

Powered by SenoClaire technology:

• SenoClaire’s ASiR


iterative reconstruction algorithm delivers

FFDM-like images and positively impacts microcalcification
conspicuity versus the traditional Filtered Back Projection (FBP)

• SenoClaire’s 3D MLO sequence requires only nine exposures

with an even distribution of the dose.

• The SenoClaire grid in 3D reduces scattered radiation and

improves detectability in 3D for breasts of above-average
while preserving dose and performance.

• The dual-track X-ray tube (Mo/Rh) delivers optimal X-ray spectra

to penetrate the breast based on breast density and compressed
breast thickness. Automatic Optimization of Parameters (AOP)
helps you identify the densest breast regions and automatically
selects the appropriate anode, filter, kV and mAs to ensure
repeatable image quality at optimized radiation dose.