GE Healthcare Brivo CT325 User Manual

Page 9

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GE Healthcare Brivo CT325



The bowtie X-ray-beam-shaping filters used in GE scanners
maintain more uniform X-ray at the detector, minimize surface
dose, and reduce X-ray scatter. They have routinely achieved
image quality with dose efficiencies.

The beam-tracking system also contributes to higher dose
efficiency, automatically measuring the position of the beam
and adjusting the collimator using data transferred in real time
from the detector. Because collimation is precisely adjusted
to slice thickness, post-patient collimation is unnecessary,
reducing dose.

The high absorption efficiency (99%) and stability of GE detectors
provide high image quality with optimized dose. Each tube is
manufactured to withstand the rigors of exams that require
a large number of scans, allowing less tube cooling time.
For performance you can depend on, scan after scan, day
after day.