GE Healthcare CardiacVX User Manual
Cardiacvx, Ge healthcare

Dedicated cardiac visualization,
analysis, and reporting.
GE Healthcare
CardiacVX enables you to import MR images into
your AW Workstation where you can use a
range of reproducible tools for reviewing &
reporting. CardiacVX provides you with the
capability to access multiple studies and multi-
slice, multi-phase images, which can be
displayed in cine mode to facilitate visualization.
The program’s report input interface includes
measurement tools that let you quickly and
reliably complete clinical reports of an imaging
Quantifying, qualifying, summarizing, and reporting cardiac functions
observed during Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) studies are
crucial components for devising effective cardiac therapy protocols.
Evaluating the results of MR exams and including as much relevant
information as possible in your reports can also significantly impact
your workflow. A software program that enables analysis of key
cardiac parameters from one station would help make your reports
to referring physicians more comprehensive and streamline your
department’s workflow.
By enabling efficient analysis of key cardiac parameters, CardiacVX
from GE Healthcare allows for more comprehensive reports and a
streamlined workflow.
Cardiac function analysis
measurement and
analysis of cardiac parameters
like stroke volume and ejection
Flow analysis.
Time Course analysis
StarMap analysis
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