GE Healthcare Discovery NM_CT 670 User Manual

Page 9

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The ability to enhance image resolution
while reducing your patient’s dose.

Thanks to advanced SPECT and CT dose management, sacrificing image quality for lower dose
is no longer a compromise you have to make. With the Discovery NM/CT 670 you can increase
coverage, reduce dosage or enhance image quality in a large majority of scans.

In addition to following the ALARA principles and potentially improving the imaging experience
for your patients, faster scans may help improve image quality thanks to reduced patient
movement. And that helps enable greater diagnostic confidence with fewer SPECT rescans.

Reduced Dosage
Cover more anatomy with the same image
quality with Pitch Booster* IQ Enhance. This
technology may improve image quality by
reducing helical artifact in thin-slice helical
scans, allowing faster pitch scanning covering
more anatomy at the same image quality. This
coverage speed is equivalent to that of wider
detectors at the same table speed. In addition,
2D and 3D Dose Modulation adjusts the mA
according to the anatomy being imaged,
allowing for significant dose reduction.

Surface dose may be cut by 20% with dynamic
bow-tie beam-shaping filters. And reduce
injected dose by 50% with Evolution for Bone*
SPECT planar and myocardial solutions.

enhanced imaging
Neuro 3D Filter provides the ability to improve
the image quality of head acquisition data by
noise reduction at the same dose level, or to
obtain the same image quality by reducing the
mA, thereby optimizing the dose required.




