GE Healthcare AdvantageSim MD User Manual
Advantagesim md, Ge healthcare

An efficient, accurate, and integrated
virtual simulation software suite.
GE Healthcare
AdvantageSim MD virtual simulation
software automatically defines
contours and volumes and
determines geometric beam
placement to improve accuracy and
speed of planning for high-precision
radiotherapy techniques.
AdvantageSim MD's simulation tools
provide the latest in simulation and
localization technology improving
productivity and accuracy.
In the era of advanced radiation therapy, contouring organs at risk
and target(s), often using multiple datasets showing anatomical,
functional and metabolic or respiratory induced motion information
requires an environment and tools that facilitate productivity and
accuracy through efficient automated and manual tools and intuitive
user interface. Isocenter marking and beam planning tools are
essential for quick and precise patient positioning, plan setup and
efficient palliative and emergency planning cases.
Multi-modality simulation:
Efficient multimodality (CT,
MR, PET) workflow offers
additional information for
accurate treatment plans all
on one desktop
Multi-phase simulation (4D):
Review, contour and plan in
one session.
Multi-organ auto
segmentation: contour up to
15 critical structures in under
4 minutes.
compliance for seamless
AdvantageSim MD
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